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Handwriting Workbook

Blackboard announcement.
Wowo Workbook. Loose worksheets.

A comprehensive step-by-step learning programme to teach LEFT-handed children the skill of handwriting.

This Workbook package consists of TWO parts:

The first part is for Mums, Dads and teachers of left-handed children.  It is a sidebound book and consists of the: 

  • Step-by-step learning programme (13 pages)

The second part consists of: 

  • 6 loose laminated “Write-on Wipe-off” Worksheets

Presented as a set in an A4 zip lock bag.  These provide endless practice for the young left-handed child who is learning to write.   

The whole package consists of an informative book with guidelines and special tips for parents and teachers of left-handed children and the 6 loose hands on Worksheets for the young left-hander as well.

Wowo pack.

All this for just $32.00 !!

But wait…there is more!
Special Offer!   
Order your copy today and you
will receive three FREE gifts
worth more than $4
Dry wipe pen and Handy wipe cloth.

  • A quality "Show-me" Slim Drywipe pen.       Perfect for the “Write-on Wipe-off” Worksheets as it can easily be wiped off with the handy wipe cloth.   The ink is low odour, xylene free and fast drying.  The cap can be off for 24 hours without the ink drying up.  
  • Plus a “handy wipe” cloth— great for wiping off the non permanent ink on the Worksheets.
  • Plus a cute Ladybird fridge magnet to remind you and your child to spend 10 minutes each day following the step-by-step programme.

This programme together with some of your time will give your left-handed child a priceless gift…...a gift they will treasure and use throughout their life….that is the ability to write smoothly, comfortably, fast and well as a left-hander.                                   

"Write-on Wipe-off” Workbook package for teaching Handwriting Skills to LEFT-HANDED Children 
Code: WOWO Now available only in e-book format

Detailed Information and Sample Pages

  • LEFT-handed LETTER FORMATIONS showing the direction each letter should be formed by a left-hander.
  • Comprehensive information, step-by-step teaching programme and guidelines for parents and teachers.
  • 15 special and useful tips.
Sample Pages

Back Cover.
Back Cover
  • 6 “Write-on Wipe-off” Worksheets for endless practice in developing fine motor skills and handwriting.


  • Begins with extensive practice of the rhythmic patterns that underpin handwriting.
Rythmic patterns.
Rhythmic patterns
  • Includes fun activities and creative suggestions to reinforce this learning in different situations.
  • Relates each rhythmic pattern with the lower case letters of the alphabet that are formed from this pattern.
  • Capital letters and numbers are included but these are only practiced in the final steps.
Lower case letters.
Lower case letters.
  • Each worksheet has reminder icons to help the left-handed child remember:
    • where to start writing
    • how to hold the pencil
    • how to sit, how to position their hand and forearm
    • how to turn the Worksheet / paper
  • Includes a Practice Worksheet for revision.
Capital letters.
Capitals and numbers.

Target Age Group

  • Left-handed Children from 4 to 8 years old.
  • It is also good for older left-handed children. There are notes on what to do if your left-handed child is older and is having handwriting difficulties.
Close up of 'e's.
Close up: Lower case 'e'

Special Features

  • The 6 Worksheets are loose so that there is no spiral or other binding to cause an obstruction to a young left-handed writer.  They come in an A4 plastic zip lock bag.
  • All the letters to be traced or copied are at the top (not on the side) so that the left-handed child can see them clearly all the time.

About the Author

  • Written and produced by Nikki Soames, a left-hander, a teacher and one who is very aware of the problems young left-handers face, especially when it comes to handwriting and the person teaching them is right-handed!
Capital letters.
Close up: Capital letters.

A red dot is used to mark the correct starting point for the letter to be  formed.  Directional arrows and numbers
are used to show LEFT- handed LETTER formations. See the Capital 'E' above.

"Write-on Wipe-off” Workbook package for teaching Handwriting Skills to  LEFT-HANDED Children 
Code: WOWO Now available only in e-book format

Feedback from parents who purchased our WOWO package said....

(Surnames have been removed for privacy)

...“...Fiona is loving  the 'write n wipe' book and is quickly learning to remember to slant her page, keep her wrist straight etc.  So many thanks for a wonderful resource…”

“We have had great success using your programme. Oliver knows now how to slant his page and position it in the correct place to get his best work out of it. He loves to do it as he gets instant success. We get comments on how tidy his writing is for a left-handed person too! ….It is the best resource anyone could buy for their left handed child who is starting to write. Simple, yet very effective!  Many thanks for this great product.”

“Megan loves her WOWO Book.  I’ve had to buy her some more whiteboard pens because the one that came with the book has been used until it could be used no more.  It’s given her the confidence to give writing a go again.”

… “Hannah received her left-handed writing book yesterday and couldn't wait to start using it.  It will take some work but I think the effort will be well worth it as even now Hannah gets very frustrated with her writing.  I know that between myself and Hannah's teacher we'll make improvements.  Will let you know our progress…”

‘Callum says "Thank you for giving (LOL) me the left handed stuff, it's really good and helping me”……..
Wow what a difference - we have changed his desk position at school, and he is a lot quicker with the pencil grip. I don't know if it is the novelty, or that it is so much easier, but he is writing willingly for the first time ever! (long may it continue)…’

Feedback about our WOWO Workbook - from California in the United States:
“We got it and what a great product.  Thank you for creating such a thing.”

LeftHand NZ logo.LeftHand NZ logo.

Our email address is: mail at lefthandnz dot com


Working closely with your left-handed child for just
10 minutes a day
following the steps
in this programme
will help your
child develop a comfortable, flowing
left-handed style
of writing.

Feedback from Customers…...

“Hi Nikki, I've now had a chance to sit down with my wee grand daughter and do some left hand writing.  She thinks it is great teaching grandma how to write left handed!! She is really thrilled with her little book. The little line on the bottom of the page showing how to line up the page with the edge of the desk is a great guide…overall a great success in our household.”

“I would like to say thank you for the writing pack for my left-handed son. It explains exactly where I was going wrong. My son willingly does the writing patterns and thanks to the book he's changed the way he sits and the way he positions his paper. I will gladly pass on your website…”

“…. was very impressed - particularly with the dinosaur lollies!  He has already had a go with the writing practice, so I'm sure that we will make good use of the pack.  Thank you for your prompt attention.” 

“Hi Nikki, it arrived over the weekend, and my children were most excited to try it out.
(I have 3 left handed children). They all had a turn, and loved it. I am heading to school this afternoon to chat to their teachers, as my 9 year old daughter said she gets told to straighten her page if she tries to turn it. My 6 year old son who sometimes finds writing hard work spent lots of time at the weekend using it. That was great to see. And my just turned 5 year old loved to be writing like his brother and sister.
Will let you know how it progresses.  The tips were great too (particularly as I am right handed) Thanks again…”

“Caitlin is very excited & is using the "write on wipe off book" every night. I can see it is going to help enormously.
She is also beside herself about how easy cutting is now, she can't get over it! They have left handed scissors at school, but I don't think anyone has made an effort to ensure the left-handers use them.
I will be passing the info, order form etc on to a friend of mine with a lefty 9 yr old.”

This resource is also available as an e-book for our international visitors.
Feedback about the WOWO E-book ...

“The information on pages 4-8 of the book has already been invaluable to me.  My daughter had already begun to develop a hook style in her coloring and drawing.  This was resolved simply by adjusting the paper position as you instructed.   I truly appreciate your clear writing style and the quality of instruction you have provided.”
(from a  customer in the USA who purchased our WOWO e-book recently.)
To order the e-book version of this resource please click here.